Sunday, September 29, 2013

Guided Math

I hope you have all had a great weekend! Mine has gone way too fast, but that always seems to be the case.
I wanted to share a little bit about how we do math in the classroom.  I fell in love with guided math when I was observing in a classroom way before I became a teacher.  Math was not my strong suit when I was in school and I know that is the case for a lot of people.  I experimented last year with many ways of teaching math and I think I have finally found a groove that works for my students and for me.  On Mondays, we do a whole group math lesson that includes a worksheet that covers a lot of different math concepts and I teach the kids our newest math game.  Then, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we do math "centers."  This way I see every kid on these days in a small group and we work on whatever they need to master.  Every group gets taught the same standard but, some of them are learning what is expected in second grade and some are working on things that are way above second grade work. I feel that my students can be a whole lot more successful this way and they seem to love it! The centers include, math games, technology, independent work and of course, help from the teacher.  Below are some pictures from our Free for All Math Friday.

Payton D. was voted Bumblebee of the Week.  Payton totally deserves this honor this week! Way to go Payton!!!

This week the kids will be doing a mock bus evacuation in gym.  Also, we will be sending ourselves some mail (you'll understand when you see it) and Flat Stanley information will be coming home, so keep an eye out for that! 

First Quarter is winding down and Halloween is just around the corner! Enjoy your week! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pinwheels for Peace

The Brilliant Bumblebees participated in Pinwheels for Peace on Friday.  Mrs. Gocken (art) coordinated this event for the third year in a row.  It was a lot of fun!

We also received a visit from Golden Apple this week.  Click here to nominate a teacher of your choice!

The first floor of the elementary school has become obsessed with a new song.  I am sure that many of your kids have come home singing it.  I know that I have:)  Click on the link below if you are interested! 

Kadin and Jayden did not plan this, but they have decided that they are officially twins! 

Ethan was voted Bumblebee of the Week for next week.  He definitely shows the characteristics that we look for in a Bumblebee.  Way to go Ethan! 

We are finally getting into a groove in our classroom.  Since day one, I have told them that we are a family and we have each other's backs.  I can already see them treating each other this way.  It is going to be a GREAT school year! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Happy Tuesday!

Last week, we had a respect assembly.  There were skits and lots of dancing.  As a school, we are working on showing respect towards adults and our hallway manners.  Remind your second grader what it means to be respectful whenever the opportunity arises!

Today, I will be sending home some math homework.  It is due on Thursday. All of first quarter is centered around place value.

This week Casey was voted our Bumblebee of the Week! Yay Casey!

Below is a link (click on the picture) to the conference schedule for November.  Please let me know if you need anything changed ASAP.  It isn't as far away as it seems.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9/11

Today we talked about 9/11. We started off with a video from Then the kids partner read a fact sheet about the tragedy and after, we talked about it in a circle. Finally we read a book called, "September 12th; we knew everything would be alright." I shared where I was when I found out and some of the kids talked about where their parents were at when it happened. It is a difficult subject and the kids were very attentive and responsive. They learned a lot about what it means to be united.

Monday, September 9, 2013

MAP Test Pros

Last week was filled with lots of testing. Our amazing class handled it like they had done it a million times before. We will do these tests two more times this school year.
Last week Sam was voted Bumblebee of the by her classmates and this week Drew won!
Remember, book orders are due on Thursday!