Next week we will be venturing to the ICF property on Wednesday for Earth day. We will spend the afternoon out there.
There will be a Fundations test on Friday. Then, we will be on unit 15 on Monday. I am determined to finish the Fundations curriculum this year(17 units). These kids rock at Fundations and the the more that we can accomplish this year, the better it will be for them for next year.
Our field trip is in one month, May 15th. The students will need to be here at 7:20 and picked up at 4:10. I have made the four parents chosen to accompany us on the bus aware of their commitment. If you were not selected, you are still welcome to drive in and meet us there.
This was my silent classroom at work with a word search that was meant to fool them...
This is when they FINALLY figured out that there were no words in the word search.