Thursday, February 27, 2014

3rd Quarter... Where did you go?

Next Friday is the end of 3rd quarter and I have no idea where the time went! Well, actually it might have been the snow/cold days and the concert that made it seem so quick.  But, either way, it came too fast.

The graphing test is tomorrow (Friday) and so is the Unit 10 check up.  I will do my best to get both home to you tomorrow night.

Next week, we will have 1:35 dismissals on Wednesday and Friday.  Friday is also the Unit 10 Fundations test.

That is all I have for now.  Enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend!

OH!!! I almost forgot JAYDEN G. is our Bumblebee of the Week this week! Jayden has been working really hard and he definitely deserved this honor!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Final Concert

We just got back from our final 2nd grade music concert.  The kids did an excellent job! There are some pictures below.

Tomorrow is the Unit 9 Fundations test.  I will be sending Unit 10 home either Monday or Tuesday next week.

There will be a short check up on graphing tomorrow.  It is a bar graph and the kids need to to answer questions about it.  It isn't too challenging.  They are doing a great job so far with graphs.  Next week, I will be incorporating pie graphs, double bar graphs and measuring/plotting graphs.  The test will be on the 28th.

Payon performed one of her competition dances for us! It was AWESOME!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Some Pig

I hope you all had a great 3 day weekend.  I would have enjoyed it more had the snow not shown up! I wanted to thank all of the parents that helped with the Valentine's Day party in anyway.  They had an absolute blast and so did I.  Thank you all SOOOO much!

This week we are starting a few new things that I am REALLY excited about.  Today, we officially started our graphing unit.  We all tried three kinds of popcorn and then made a tally chart, bar graph, pictograph and finally, answered some basic questions about it.  Next week (hopefully Monday), I will be sending home a study guide for the graphing test that will be on Friday, February 28th.  Most of the kids get graphs but, we will be fine tuning some skills and diving a little deeper.

Tomorrow, we are going to start reading Charlotte's Web.  This was my favorite book in second grade and I can not wait to share it with my class.  They will each have their own copy and will be expected to follow along as we read in class.  After some chapters we will be answering comprehension questions and doing other activities.

Also, tomorrow I will be sending home field trip permission slips.  This is for the big field trip that we will be taking on May 9th.  After you get the information, if you have any questions, please let me know.

The Unit 9 Fundations test will be on Friday!

The end of the quarter is on March 7th.

Below are some pictures from our graphing today, the Blue and Gold Banquet and the Valentine's Day party... Enjoy!

Brady was too interested in the popcorn to smile... 

Kadin always catches me taking pictures and makes a silly face. 

Way to go, boys!

Sam was thoroughly enjoying musical hearts! 

Ethan estimated right and won the jar of candy!

Friday, February 14, 2014


So, today is a much better day! The kids and I are starting fresh and they seemed to have taken our conversation to heart.  We talked about it a little again today and I explained to them that the reason I was so upset is because I really love all of them.  If I didn't love them, I told them I would just keep on yelling. Today is better!

This morning we did a hallway hunt for subtraction with regrouping.  Some of the kids needed a refresher.  Afterwards, we made hearts and I put their names on them.  Then, we went around and wrote nice things about that person.  The kids really seemed to like it and enjoyed hearing positive qualities about themselves.  Even more so, I think they enjoyed writing nice things about each other.

Our party is this afternoon! I will post pictures next week.  Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

Here are some other pictures from the week...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Our Morning Discussion

I am not the type of teacher that yells or even raises my voice.  However, lately that has been the norm.  As a class, we are struggling with manners, following the rules and showing respect towards others.  This morning was my breaking point with them.  I have spoken with them about these issues more times than I can count and today, I was done.  I did not yell, instead I told them how it makes me feel when these issues arise.  I also explained that this is the last time we will have a discussion like this.  If this continues, I am done with all of the extra, above and beyond things we do in our classroom.  I wanted to share this with all of you because this truly is a whole class problem.  There are very few kids that I would exclude from this issue.  Plus, I am betting some of your kiddos will come home and tell you about how serious I got with them this morning.  I am TRULY hoping that this does not continue and this is the last time you will hear about it.  I am incredibly lucky to teach your kids and I could not ask for a better job. I love each and every one of them.  I have very high expectations for all of them that go beyond their academics. 

On a less serious note... the Valentine's Day party is tomorrow at 12:45 until 1:15ish.  Make sure your kiddo has a box for their cards.  Also, no school on Monday.  


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

101 Days Smarter

Happy Tuesday! We just got back from our dress rehearsal for the concert.  The kids are so ready to perform! Just a reminder... they need to be in the band room at the high school by 6:10 tonight. The open house will be at the elementary school, immediately following the concert. Everything will be held in the cafeteria but, my room will be open if you want to check things out.

Yesterday, we celebrated the 100th day of school (finally).  My little sister, Carly, came in to hang out with us.  She just moved back to Rockford after 3 years of living in Hawaii.  She loved the kids and had a great time with them.

Valentine's day is Friday! Our party is at 12:45 and I sent a note home awhile back that had information about parents that signed up for something.  Also, I had asked the kids to make boxes for their Valentine's Day cards.

Fairy tale projects will go home on Wednesday! The whole school will get a chance to see them on Wednesday morning and then I will send them home that night.  Thank you so much for your help with them.  They are absolutely AMAZING!

I think that is everything... except, no school on Monday, February 17th! See you tonight!

Jayden looks awesome in her 100th day shirt! 

Carly helping out the girls!

Oh, Drew! 

Performance for the School

Dress Rehearsal

The bus ride to the high school